Candidate’s Role in Facilitating the Background Check Process
This is often a myth that the background check process is solely the responsibility of the employment screening firm. Indeed, this is right and not right. As a trust advisor, our consultants would often take a leading role to ensure all stakeholders are taking part and contributing to a successful background check. However, such stakeholder including the HR department and the candidate would need to be ready for the background check.Below is a brief checklist for candidates:
- Up-to-date referee contact information.
- Referees informed for eeCheck and the background check that will take place.
- Completed consent and authorization documents with clear dates and details.
- Education certificate or license number for specific institutions and authorities.
- Identity documents and number.
- Address proof for some specific background checks.
- Employment letter or proof for some circumstances.
- List of previously used names.
- Candidate’s personal contact information that can be reached in a timely basis.
Do connect with eeCheck today to explore other insights that can be shared with your candidates to improve your employment screening process.