eeCheck Asia Screening
Pre-Employment Screening Program
We hope our offering assists organizations in strengthening its screening process to reduce the risk of hiring the wrong candidates and increase the probability in hiring the right candidates who fit with the organizational culture, contribute more and stay longer!
Unlike other products and services, it’s very vital for organizations to choose a background check vendor that is capable of setting up the right protocols for background checks at the highest global compliance standards while satisfying the local data privacy regulation requirements. eeCheck combines expertise in background check, compliance, human resources and technology plus global and local knowledges to help organizations set up the most suitable pre-employment screening programs across Asia.
Common Services:
- Bankruptcy Record Check
- Credit Report
- Criminal Record Check
- Civil Litigation Record Check
- CV Check
- Directorship Record Check
- Employment Verification
- ID Verification
- Performance Reference Check
- Qualification Verification
Why eeCheck?
eeCheck sets up Leading Protocols
Across Asia
Work with eeCheck’s consultants specializing in setting up pre-employment screening protocols and programs for leading firms across Asia. We will assist you to select the right background check items and workflows for your screening process.
Full Compliance
HR Focused
Common Questions for Pre-Employment Screening
Frequently Asked Questions
A pre-employment screening program needs to be carefully set up. Below are some of the key things to consider prior to proceeding with doing the background checks in the pre-employment screening program:
- Purpose of collection
- Legitimate interests and needs for different position roles and industries
- Country scope
- Employment screening scope
- Position roles coverage
- Data privacy protocols
- Compliance requirements
- Screening criteria
- Integration with the hiring process
By working with a professional employment screening firm like eeCheck, we may provide you with the industry standard protocols that save your time to study and go through these necessary steps to set up your pre-employment screening program effectively and efficiently!
Organizations are advised to take the necessary steps and time to consider what they want to achieve and set up the right protocols prior to setting up their pre-employment screening program.
Indeed, to effectively and properly set up the pre-employment screening program, working with a 3rd party employment screening agency like eeCheck would be a good option. Organizations may simply benchmark with the industry standards and set up for similar firms to minimize their legal risk while focusing the time on the key areas that yield the greatest return in the pre-employment screening program. Depending on the complexity, customization, and country and role scope involved, the set up can range from a few hours to a few days unless integration customization is required which could take up to a few weeks.
Depending on the position roles and industry, different background check items shall be included for different screening packages in the pre-employment screening program. A single background check could cost from as low as USD20 to more than USD200 depending on the service ordered (e.g., country of the check) and service requirement. When setting up a pre-employment screening program, employers should take an overall evaluation approach with an overall budget allocated to different employment screening packages depending on its risk factors and legitimate interests.
Typically, database related background checks would take 3 – 7 business days to complete. The service turnaround time for background checks that required third parties such as police, employers and education institutions vary with an average service turnaround time of 7 to 14 business days depending on the country itself. For more details about the background check turnaround time for a specific country at eeCheck, speak with our consultants today for more information.
Yes. It is becoming more and more as a common practice in which industry benchmark and compliance standards can be ensured. As pre-employment screening involves complicated legal issues across different countries, utilizing a 3rd party background check vendor helps to both save time for research and minimize the corresponding legal risk involved.
Traditionally, organizations at a significant employee size or organizations that operate in highly regulated industries would utilize 3rd party background check vendors to do their background checks. Nowadays, as employers in Asia understand the cost effectiveness and return on investment in utilizing 3rd party vendors to benchmark against the industry’s highest standards, more and more organizations across different industries are choosing to utilize third party vendors for their pre-employment screening programs.
Yes. The background check items should be tailored for different position roles in the pre-employment screening programs to match up with the corresponding risk level and legitimate interests.
Yes. Due to the difference in data privacy and labor laws and regulations and data availability and workflow complexity involved in obtaining different dataset, different background check items are being included for different countries. However, organizations are advised to plan, consider and consolidate their regional or global pre-employment screening programs as much as possible to ensure a regional or global pre-employment screening protocols and standards are in place.
The top 3 tips for employers to set up a regional pre-employment screening program across Asia include:
- Consolidate and review all related data privacy and labor laws and regulations
- Design background check items and workflows suitable for individual countries
- Integrating the pre-employment screening program with the local candidate experience and practices.
Setting up a pre-employment screening program can be complicated but yet be easy if you are working with an experienced employment screening firm like eeCheck. Below are some of the key risks to consider when setting up such program:
- Local country’s data privacy and labor laws and regulations
- Data Subject’s human rights
- Cross-territory applicable data privacy laws and regulations
- Access feasibility for the individual background check items
- Access of certain background check data which is different from roles, risk level and legitimate interest
- Local data transfer and retention practices
Contact Info
Asia HeadquartersLevel 21 Centennial Tower,
3 Temasek Avenue, Singapore 039190
(65) 3138 8940